Delivering Happiness (and books, two at a time)

Recently I was invited to read and review an advanced copy of “Delivering Happiness”, a new book by Tony Hsieh, the founder and CEO of  Zappos put the offer out to bloggers and influencers as part of an intelligent online marketing campaign for the book.

As a part of the “early reader” program, I’ve made a commitment to writing an honest review in early June when the book is released to the public.  While I have to admit that part of the reason that I signed up for the program, and made the commitment to write the review, was to be one of the few (supposedly 500 in total) that get a sneak peak of Delivering Happiness, for the most part it was to get a free book that outlined the story behind the Zappos – a company whose business  model (and more importantly culture) I admire greatly.

Encouraging early adopters to “beta test” your product or service is a great way to create buzz.  Zappos has taken this an extra step by including an extra book – to be given away to one of my lucky followers.  So here’s your chance to read Delivering Happiness, first.  Comment on this post, and in 150 words or less write what delivering happiness in the corporate setting means to you.  If your answer is the best, you’ll get the book.

You can only enter in once, and we will choose the winner.  All decisions are final – no whining.  Oh, and because it’s a big world, you’ll need to pay for shipping.

Look for my official review for June.