Web Enabled Mobile Devices Increase Importance Of RSS Feeds

The recent explosion of web enabled mobile devices has increased the importance of comprehensive RSS Feeds for all of your products available for online purchase.

Web enabled mobile devices now allow shoppers to check product pricing from anywhere, including inside brick and mortar locations.

Mobile devices such as the IPhone, MyTouch, and other android enabled devices offer the additional functionality of bar code scanning.  By simply taking a photo of a product’s bar code, a shopper can compare product prices and availability online.

The newly empowered mobile shopper increases the importance of including comprehensive product and pricing information online, through web sites and RSS Feeds.  The more data you provide, the more likely your products will rank highly when a shopper searches for alternative sources for a particular product.

This can be most effectively accomplished through in depth search engine optimization, and by syndicating your product data via RSS Feeds.