Geolocational Gaff

So this will be a quick rant – but an important one.  More and more websites are using geolocational tools to identify where users are originating from, and to give them specific content based upon their location.

This is great.  BUT, more often than not they force the user to utilize the local version.  Don’t assume that the user only wants a local search.  (This may seem obvious … but apparently it isn’t – otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this post).  Default to the local option, and give the user the option to change to another location.  Who knows, they may be planning ahead.

Whew – glad I got that off my chest 🙂

The Free Online Store Service

TrialPay, the alternative payment engine we’ve discussed in the past, has recently launched TrialPay E-Commerce, an online store. The twist with TrialPay’s online store offers 0% payment processing.  They can do this by offering customers the ability to get a discount on their purchases from your store, simply by taking another offer (a familiar model for those of you who understand the alternative payment options).

This is a smart move by TrialPay.  Until now, their service worked best with clients who ran their own online stores.  With TrialPay E-Commerce, TrialPay makes their service available to a wide array of smaller online stores, and offers them a unique revenue model which in some cases can result in higher per cart sales versus traditional online store methods.

You can learn more about this offer here:

Making Web Pages That Convert

Ever wonder why some web page sales pitches go on and on and on? A seemingly endless page with countless “buy now” buttons.

The answer is simple: because they work.

But just creating a long web page isn’t the magic bullet for sales conversions.

This case study about SEOMOZ shows the basic elements to creating and testing a web page that converts.

The case study notes that you need to create a web page long enough to tell the story. Imagine that you’re speaking directly to the reader. How would you convey your message? What value propositions would you deliver? How do you create curiosity? How would you make them convert?

All It Takes Is A Sincere “Thank You”

I remember flying just after 9/11, and how grateful the flight crew was. They thanked us profusely for flying their airline, especially in those turbulent times.

Compare that to my most recent flight, where all we heard was a flat “thanks”. How quickly we forget about celebrating the customer.

Since my first job, I’ve always know the importance and value of customer service. This has become even more apparent as I’ve been reading “Delivering Happiness”. Often we hear that “all it takes is a simple thank you”. I disagree. It takes more than a simple thank you. It takes a sincere and proactive effort to celebrate the customer. It shouldn’t take the threat of losing your job to make you want to deliver an amazing customer experience. It isn’t hard. Under promise. Over deliver. Always leave your customer happy, feeling that they received value for their money.

Getting Upset When A Duck Quacks

Some time ago my team and I came in to accelerate a  software company that had been started by a group of developers.  The Board of Directors of the company, who had brought us in to straighten things out and get their software to market, were quite upset with the company’s development team.  “We’ve invested over $4 million so far. They’ve created a product with 100 features.  When do we sell it ?”.

I quickly pointed out that what they were asking is the equivalent of asking a duck not to quack, or a dog not to bark.

The lesson here is that we each have a role – and that smart managers work and manage individual strengths, not weaknesses.  Developers , well, develop.  Attorney’s manage risk.  Accounts count.  And marketers market.

It may sound simple, but knowing and recognizing each team’s role in product development is critical.  It is then up to each individual to think outside their own role, and recognize how their actions effect others within the organization.

Just 1% Of $100 Billion Is Fine

Ever since its release  last year there has been quite a bit of talk about the strategy behind Microsoft’s search engine Bing.  “Does the Redmond giant really think that they can compete with Google?” is what some pundits are asking.

Other pundits have (wisely, in my opinion) noted that Microsoft doesn’t need to dominate search.  It is a $100 Billion (yes, with a B) industry.  Every percentage point is $1 Billion (again, with a B).  If Microsoft moves from their current search dominance of %15 to %20 is an extra $5 Billion to the top line.

Also, with Bing Microsoft has decided to focus on some of the highest paying search terms.  Apparently they don’t want to dominate all search terms, just the premium ones.  Hence their tight integration with specific services, such as travel.

While first to market, disruptive marketing practices, and market dominance are all tenants of successful marketing (technology or otherwise), there is something to be said for playing second fiddle in a huge market – especially if you can maintain lower operating costs.

Expanding the API Models

Back in June 2009 Wired Magazine had a great article about how the American auto company needs to retool it’s thinking.  Rather than owning the entire vertical, Wired suggests that effective auto companies own the production lines and the distribution channels.  Accessories and add-ons would be serviced by third parties, who would design based upon the auto companies specs.

My fellow developers will appreciate this as a classic API model, which in layman terms is the practice of opening “hooks” into your software and allowing third party developers to create value added features and benefits.  Apple has used this model with the iPhone, and iPad.  Microsoft has been using this model for years.

This model has numerous benefits.  It gives you the ability to expand quickly and deliver more value to the customer without using internal resources.   Also, there is a tangential effect that gives the core product a “platform” status as more companies integrate with the base functionality.  Look to Facebook as a perfect example of this.  Essentially each application maker is another advocate building the overall user base.

And don’t let your bean counters get their nickers in a bunch … there are many ways to monetize this, including an annual licensing fee for the developer, percentage of sale on goods sold, or both.

By Popular Demand – Twitter Adds Retweets

Twitter’s open architecture has allowed Twitter users to have a voice in how Twitter has evolved.   One example of this is the  “language” Twitter users have created to enhance the functionality of Twitter.

When tweeting, it is polite to quote sources of information.  Up until recently, users wanting to repost a tweet (known as ReTweeting) would have to include “RT” in front of the post.

Twitter has been listening to its users, and has added new functionality allowing for ReTweeting.

This is a text book example of not only how to maximize the value of your Beta program, but also how to leverage the intel that you gain listening to your customers into value added benefits for your products and services.

They’ve Got (Too Many) Apps For That …

It wasn’t too long ago when all a developer had to do is create an iPhone Application, and they had an instant hit.

But according to Wired Magazine, now there are over 100,000 apps in  Apple’s App Store.  With that competition, you really only have three options:

  1. Create an app better than the other 99,999 apps out there.  And then go out and promote it better than the other 99,999 apps.
  2. Create an app for app developers, such as an ad network for iPhone apps.
  3. Create an app for another network, such as Android phones.

When there is a lot of competition, there represents opportunity as well. Because that competition, at a certain point, becomes a market itself.